shajapur district in Chinese
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- district
- n. 1.区;管区;行政区,市区。 2.地区,区域。 3.〔美国〕(各州众议员)选举区;〔英国〕教区,分区。 短语和例子 a military district 军区。 a police district 警察管区。 a shopping district 商业学区。 a Congressional district 美国各州众议员选区。 an agricultu...
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- a brownstone district
- 把什么彻底搞好; 富人居住区
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- acheng district
- 阿城区; 阿城市; 上京会宁府
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- administrative district
- 行政管理区; 行政区
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- agricultural district
- 农业城市; 农业区
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- ahmedabad district
- 艾哈迈达巴德县
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- aichi district,
- aichi爱知郡
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What is the meaning of shajapur district in Chinese and how to say shajapur district in Chinese? shajapur district Chinese meaning, shajapur district的中文,shajapur district的中文,shajapur district的中文,translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by